Down the Security Rabbithole Podcast (DtSR)
The DtSR Podcast is dedicated to the cyber security profession - with timely topics, lively personalities, deep dives, and no fear of the third rail. Running since 2011 - founded by Rafal Los (aka "@Wh1t3Rabbit"), and co-hosted by James Jardine and now featuring Mr. Jim Tiller - the weekly show will entertain you while you're learning something.
On Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/@DtSR_Podcast
On YouTube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyo0dkKRvfVtWXjRxNISrhme1MgBj3C2U&si=scHDiTuLXSEQ9qHq
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Down the Security Rabbithole Podcast (DtSR)
DtSR Episode 638 - Matt Shufeldt Cyber Security's Specialist Problem
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TL;DR: This week's episode is all about a growing issue in CyberSecurity (and I'm sure it's there in other disciplines as well) - "specialization" or more to the point "over-specialization". Why is it a problem? Matt Shufeldt, a returning guest and friend of the pod, joins us to talk about it and suggests some ways we can avoid the giant iceberg we're careening into.
YouTube: https://youtube.com/live/q_3uYcdYaw4
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LinkedIn Page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/down-the-security-rabbithole-podcast/
X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/dtsr_podcast