Down the Security Rabbithole Podcast (DtSR)
The DtSR Podcast is dedicated to the cyber security profession - with timely topics, lively personalities, deep dives, and no fear of the third rail. Running since 2011 - founded by Rafal Los (aka "@Wh1t3Rabbit"), and co-hosted by James Jardine and now featuring Mr. Jim Tiller - the weekly show will entertain you while you're learning something.
On Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/@DtSR_Podcast
On YouTube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyo0dkKRvfVtWXjRxNISrhme1MgBj3C2U&si=scHDiTuLXSEQ9qHq
On LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/down-the-security-rabbithole-podcast/
Down the Security Rabbithole Podcast (DtSR)
DtSR Episode 544 - CrowdStrike Global Threat Report March 2023
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This week on the podcast, my buddy Adam Meyers graciously joins the show from his "undisclosed location" deep under the Meyers compound to break apart the latest threat report. I'm sure you've read it, but if you haven't you can get it at the link below. On this show, Adam and Rafal talk about what's in the report, what's not in the report, and the delta which brings up some interesting things in the evolution of threat actors and "bad guys".
It's a podcast you don't want to miss because it feels like it's both a bellwether of what you'll be experiencing in your environments shortly, if you aren't already.
Check out the show on our new podcast distribution site (BuzzSprout) and update your RSS feeds if you haven't already. Go check out the video (link below), and don't forget to catch it on LinkedIn, and Twitter!
CrowdStrike Report: https://www.crowdstrike.com/global-threat-report/
YouTube Video Replay: https://youtube.com/live/HN9Qg42HCks?feature=share
- Adam Meyers
>>> If you're reading this, consider clicking the link above to support the show!
YouTube home: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyo0dkKRvfVtWXjRxNISrhme1MgBj3C2U&si=scHDiTuLXSEQ9qHq
LinkedIn Page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/down-the-security-rabbithole-podcast/
X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/dtsr_podcast